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James Monroe Name Change

Hello James Monroe Community,

We have recently been charged with leading an historic event in our school history, that being, to work together as a community to rename our site.  This began during the summer of 2020 when one of our Santa Rosa City School Board Directors put forth a resolution to change the name of our school.  The result was a directive to engage in a formal process to officially change our name.    

In order to address this charge, a Facilities Naming Community Advisory Committee was created to assist in the renaming of our school. This committee is made up of interested community members.  This committee met and reviewed all of the Facilities Naming Request Forms that had been submitted.  From their list of names, a brief ranking survey was created in order to gather input on these name submissions.  A separate survey was created for each of the following stakeholder groups: Students, Staff, Parents, and Community.  It was important that each stakeholder group take their own version of this same survey in order to allow accurate representation of each groups sentiments to the SRCS Board.

I look forward to continuing to serve our community as we engage in honest open conversations through any future processes.

Yours in Community,

Principal Stoural

Facilities Naming Community Advisory Committee

The Superintendent or their designee shall compose the Facilities Naming Community Advisory Committee by inviting representatives from each of the following groups.

Committee Make-Up:

At least half of its members from community-based organizations or businesses, reflecting the diversity of the students in the school district

At least one representative from the local area’s historical community

At least one representative from an SRCS Parent Organization

At least one representative from each of the district’s bargaining units (SRTA and CSEA 75)

At least one representative from the district’s non-represented employees

At least one student representative from a High School Associated Student Body

At least one representative from the District English Learner Advisory Committee

The role of the advisory committee will be to review the Facilities Naming request forms and develop a list of names for the Board’s consideration and provide background on the names recommended to the Board. This is an Ad Hoc committee that will be convened as requests for facilities naming are submitted.  The Board of Education has the final responsibility for naming the facilities.

Santa Rosa City Schools | BP 7310 Facilities

Naming Of Facility

The Board of Education shall name district schools and other district-owned or leased buildings, grounds, and facilities in recognition of:

1. Individuals, living or deceased, and entities that have made outstanding contributions, including financial contributions, to the school community

2. Individuals, living or deceased, who have made contributions of statewide, national, or worldwide significance

3. The geographic area in which the school or building is located

The Board encourages community participation in the process of selecting names. A citizen advisory committee may be appointed to review name suggestions and submit recommendations for the Board's consideration.

(cf. 1220 - Citizen Advisory Committees)
Any name adopted for any new school shall not be so similar to the name of any existing district school as to result in confusion to members of the community.

Before adopting any proposed name, the Board shall hold a public hearing at which members of the public will be given an opportunity to provide input.

(cf. 9320 - Meetings and Notices)
When naming or renaming a district school, building, or facility, the Board may specify the duration for which the name shall be in effect.


Upon request, the Board shall consider planting commemorative trees, erecting monuments, or dedicating buildings, parts of buildings, athletic fields, gardens, or other district facilities, in memory of deceased students, staff members, community members, and benefactors of the district.

1. The Board will consider the naming of buildings, etc., in accordance with the following process and criteria:

a. In the case of an employee of Santa Rosa City Schools, the individual to be honored shall have been separated from services for a minimum of 13 months prior to installation of a symbol of recognition.

b. In the case of a non-employee memorial, the individual to be honored shall have been deceased for a minimum of 13 months prior to installation of a symbol of recognition.

Naming Rights

The Board may grant to any person or entity the right to name any district building or facility. In doing so, the Board shall enter into a written agreement which shall:

1. Specify the benefits to the district from entering into the agreement

2. State the roles and responsibilities of the parties to the agreement, including whether or not the Board shall retain the power to approve any proposed name

3. Provide details related to the naming right granted, including the building, grounds, or facility involved and the duration for which the name shall be in effect

4. Prohibit any message, image, or other depiction that advocates or endorses the use of drugs, tobacco, or alcohol, encourages unlawful discrimination against any person or group, or promotes the use of violence or the violation of any law or district policy

(cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs/Activities) (cf. 1325 - Advertising/Promotions)
(cf. 3290 - Gifts, Grants and Bequests)

5. Reserve the authority to terminate the naming right if it determines that the grantee, subsequent to receiving the naming right, has engaged in any of the prohibited acts stated in item #4 above or other criminal or unlawful acts that might bring the district into disrepute

Legal Reference:
35160 Authority of governing boards
Policy SANTA ROSA CITY SCHOOLS Adopted: April 12, 2017 Santa Rosa, California

Revised: July 22, 2020

Facilities Naming Community Advisory Committee Members 2020-2021

Katheryne Stoural - Principal

Gina Godfrey - Teacher

Chris Bertozzi - Teacher

Meryl Blomseth - Teacher

Lena Jones - Parent

Karen Stone - Historical Society of Santa Rosa

Michael Von der Porten - Historical Representative

Kristina Sisseck - North Bay Children's Center

Herman G. Hernandez - Made in Santa Rosa Foundation


SRCS School Board Presentation

James Monroe Elementary School Facilities Naming Presentation - SRCS Board Meeting 5/26/2021

Thank you to members of our community who participated in the surveys to rank potential new names for James Monroe.  Thank you to those who submitted name recommendations as well.

The results of the ranking surveys can be found in the Meeting Slide Deck 4/20/2021 below.

These results were presented to the SRCS School Board at their May 26th, 2021 meeting. The School Board did not select a new name for the site at this meeting. They did continue this work to future school years. The SRCS Board has the ultimate decision on naming of facilities.

JMES Facilities Naming Community Advisory

Meeting Agenda 4/20/2021

Meeting Slide Deck 4/20/2021

Meeting Minutes 4/20/2021

Meeting Agenda 4/8/2021

Meeting Slide Deck 4/8/2021

Meeting Minutes 4/8/2021

JMES Potential Name Survey Results for Meeting 4-20-2021

JMES Facilities Naming All Survey Results - Duplicate Responses + Identifying Information Removed

Submissions to join the Community Advisory Committee have been closed.

Thank you for your interest.

This committee reviewed the Naming of Facilities Recommendation forms, developed a list of names for the Board’s consideration, and provide background on the names recommended to the Board.

This was an Ad Hoc committee that was convened as requests for facilities naming were submitted.  The Board of Education has the final responsibility for naming the facilities. 

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